Explore some of the many aspects of following Jesus with an emphasis on reflecting on ’where I am in my faith journey’ and prayerfully discerning where Jesus might be calling me to grow. There are eight online units, accompanied by a weekly online group tutorial, and one on-site study day. Each unit comprises a short video, an audio conversation, an activity. Some weekly reading is also provided and encouraged. Topics covered include spiritual disciplines, prayer, rule of life, sabbath, creation care, hospitality and justice as aspects of everyday discipleship.
- Welcome Evening: Wed, Apr 23, 7:30 PM (online)
- Study Day: Sat, Jun 7, 9:30 AM-4:00 PM, Bletchingdon Village Hall
- Tutorials (choose one): Weds (2 PM or 7:30 PM) or Thurs (7:30 PM):
- Weds: Apr 30; May 7, 14, 21; Jun 4, 18, 25; Jul 2
- Thurs: May 1, 8, 15, 22; Jun 5, 19, 26; Jul 3
Sign-up for this course is now open for April 2025. Bookings close on the 7th of April: Booking link via Eventbrite.
Hear a sneak peak of the course content in this introduction from course tutors Joanna and Andrew.